Medicinal uses of Ananas comosus

Medicinal uses of Ananas comosus

Posted by Unknown

Traditional medicines are originated from plants that do not form the constituents of routine diet. However, most of the medicinal plants have not received proper scientific scrutiny. Ananas comosus is one such plant, traditionally used for the treatment of various ailments. Hence, in the present study, an earnest attempt has been made to explore the antidiabetic and antioxidant properties of Ananas comosus leaves in STZ induced diabetic rats. The phytochemical screening of the Ananas comosus leaves extract indicated the presence of alkaloids, flavonoids, tannins, phytosterol, glycosides and phenols.

Leaves: used as anthelmintic, cholagogue; fresh juice taken to treat hiccough and constipation.
Fruit: used as digestive, diuretic, laxative, diaphoretic and antiscorbutic; used to treat gastric irritability, jaundice.
Green  fruit: used as abortifacient, anthelmintic, emmenagogue and styptic.

Traditional medicine

  • Both the root and fruit may be eaten or applied topically as an anti-inflammatory or as a proteolytic agent. In some practices, it may be used to induce abortion or menstruation  or as an antihelminthic agent.

  • Bromelain purified from pineapple stem or fresh juice, then provided in the diet over six months, decreased the severity of colonic inflammation in mice with experimental colitis.

  • Bromelain from pineapple has some potential against cancer mechanisms, as laboratory research showed that it causes autophagy in mammary carcinoma cells, stimulating turnover of MCF-7 cells through apoptosis.

  • It promotes bone growth and strengthens bones due to presence of sufficient amounts of manganese, a mineral considered responsible for healthy bones and connective tissues. Pineapple is believed to be useful for maintaining oral health and juice is considered helpful in healing process after a dental surgery.

  • Bromelain, a protein-digesting enzyme in pineapple, has been shown to be an effective treatment in upper respiratory tract infections by suppressing coughs and reducing the thickness of mucus. Treating colds, sore throats, and acute sinusitis are other health benefits of pineapple.

  • Pineapple bran, the residue after juicing, is high in vitamin A, and is used in livestock feed. From the juice may be extracted citric acid, or on fermentation, alcohol. In the Philippines, a fine quality cloth is made from leaf fibers. Commercial bromelain is generally prepared from pineapple wastes. A mixture of several proteases, bromelain is used in meat tenderizers, in chill-proofing beer, manufacturing precooked cereals, in certain cosmetics, and in preparations to treat edema and inflammation. Bromelain is nematicidal.

Health benefits:
  • Egg nutrition: Health benefits & side effects
    Egg consumption may benefit even people with existing coronary heart disease but care has to be taken by diabetics, heart patients and those sensitive to allergies.
Bromelain reduces inflammation and activates compounds that break down fibrin and blocks the production of kinins which both play a role in swelling. Because of these effects, it has been used to help treat rheumatoid arthritis and to speed up recovery from injuries and surgery.Other health benefits of pineapple is firming skin (by boosting the production of collagen), sloughing off dead skin cells, evening out skin tone, and making tiny wrinkles less noticeable.
The dried powdered root is considered a good remedy for edema. Application of the crushed rind on fractures is considered very useful. Use of the rind decoction mixed with rosemary is known to provide relief in hemorrhoids. Leaf juice is reportedly used as a purgative, emmenagogue and vermifuge. Natural beauty mask using pineapple.
  • Stomach gas remedies to get rid of flatulence and bloating
    Flatulence may be experienced either due to eating gas forming foods, fried fast foods, drinking carbonated soft drinks or under certain medical conditions. Detailed information on causes and remedies
Traditional/Ethnobotanical uses
The pineapple is native to South America and was brought to Europe by Spanish explorers. Planting began on a large scale in Hawaii early in the 19th century. Growth of the industry peaked in the 1950s, then declined slowly under the pressure of international competition. Today, the bulk of the world's pineapple crop comes from Thailand, the Philippines, and Brazil. Traditional uses include the brewing of pineapple wine, production of fiber, and medicinal use to induce menstruation, induce abortion, kill parasitic amoebas, and expel worms.

General uses
Few well-controlled clinical trials have been published to support the wide range of therapeutic claims for bromelain, a crude, aqueous extract of pineapple. Evidence exists primarily for the use of bromelain in debridement of burns and as an anti-inflammatory agent.

Information regarding safety and efficacy in pregnancy and lactation is lacking. Data is lacking to support the historical use of pineapple to induce menstruation and abortion.

Potentiation of amoxicillin and tetracycline because of increased volume of distribution by bromelain has been documented.

Many activities are attributed to pineapple fruit including:
  • antihelmintic (vermifuge)
  • antiscorbutic (treatment for scurvy)
  • cholagogic (promotes flow of bile)
  • decongestant
  • diaphoretic (causes perspiration)
  • diuretic
  • ebolic (smooth muscle stimulant)
  • purgative
  • refrigerant (relieving fever or producing cooling sensation)
•    Pineapple increases kapha so it is contraindicated in cases of chronic cold, cough, asthma, fever, joint pain and pregnancy.
•    One should consume fresh, ripe and sweet pineapple juice only. It is better to avoid raw, sour or over-ripe fruit.
•    It is contraindicated in cases of hyperacidity and persistent cold.
•    Never take pineapple flavored ice-cream or milkshakes containing pineapple juice as there are extremely harmful to the health.
•    One should consurne pineapple juice either during the meal, or half an hour after the meal.
•    Do not eat pineapple when you are hungry or your physical constitution is of pitta type. It may cause abdominal colic.
•    Young children should not be given pineapple. It causes disturbance to the functions of stomach and intestines.
•    One should not take fruits and fruit juices after the sunset.

Side Effects
  • Pineapple may show allergic reactions in some people in the form of temporary swelling on lips accompanied by rash
  • Excess consumption may result in diarrhea and extreme menstrual bleeding
  • Excess consumption may also lead to miscarriages in pregnant women
  • Excessive consumption of cores may be the cause of formation of fiber balls in the digestive track.
  • Consumption of unripe pineapple may have serious complications
  • Unripe pineapple may irritate the throat and act as a drastic purgative.
  • The juice from unripe pineapples can cause severe vomiting.
  • Bromelain ingestion is associated with a low incidence of adverse reactions, including diarrhea, excess menstrual flow, nausea.
·         Swelling of the mouth and cheeks can result from eating large amounts of the fruit.

Pineapple is a rich source of digestive enzymes. It gives instant feeling of freshness. It gives strength to the heart. It is a brain tonic. It destroys parasitic worms. It gives instant energy. It promotes excellence of complexion. In summer, it gives freshness and coolness to the body. Its juice helps in digestion of high protein foods. It also strengthens intestines. But these properties are present in the freshly prepared pineapple juice. Canned pineapple juice is harmful to health.
As compared to pineapple pulp, its juice is more beneficial. Juice extracted from small pineapple pieces by pressing them in a muslin cloth has remarkable nutritional values whereas the juice extracted by juicer machine is deficient in nutritive compounds and it is difficult to digest. It is better to use the cut fruits or juice immediately. It contains an enzyme namely bromelain, which is similar to pepsin in medicinal properties. Pineapple helps in excretion of toxic wastes deposited in the body and thereby strengthens the body.


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